The Journal of the Kalash Science publishes original research work. It is a broad-based, peer-reviewed and leading International Journal. The journal is a multidisciplinary and therefore research and review papers of scientific and general significance. The manuscript submitted must be unpublished and not under consideration for publication. Journal is published six monthly (June and December). Copyright of all the papers published in Journal are controlled by society.
The journal publishes Research Papers (not exceeding 5000 words), Review articles (not exceeding 4500 words), General articles (not exceeding 3500 words), Short communications (not exceeding 1500 words), General short letters (not exceeding 800 words) and Awareness programme/Advertisement and News (not exceeding 1500 words). All the papers published in the journal are reviewed by a group of reviewers/ referees for their scientific merit. The Manuscript decisions are solely based on the results of peer- reviews.
Manuscript should be typed in double spaced on one side of A4 size paper with Times New Roman (12 font size) are wide margin on both sides. All pages should be numbered. Manuscript should be submitted with two hard copies and one soft copy (CD) by registered post or attached through E-mail Id ( ). Papers should generally be arranged in the following sequence- Title, Author name and address with mail Id, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Material and methods, Result and discussion, Acknowledgements, References, Tables, Figure legends and Figures.
Title : should be brief, specific and amenable to indexing.
Abstract : should be clear, concise, place and duration of work and summaries only the significant findings of the paper (about 200 words).
Key words : should be maximum 4-6 words.
Introduction : should be brief and limited with the aims of the study. Exhaustive reviewing of literature should be avoided. The introduction should mention the objectives of the study.
Materials and Methods : should be sufficiently detailed to enable the experiments to be reproduced. The techniques and methodology adopted should be supported with standard references. The statistical methods used should be clearly stated. Date/period of the study should be mentioned.
Results and Discussion : should preferably be combined. The results should be supported by brief but adequate tables/illustrations. Only necessary tables and figures should be given. Data emerging out from the study should be included, arranged in a unified and coherent sequence and statistically analyzed with significance. The same data should not be presented both in Tabular and Graphic forms. Lengthy, confusing and irrelevant discussion should be scrupulously avoided. It should deal with interpretations and the conclusions drawn, based on results and supported by relevant latest references. Repetitions should be curtailed.
Acknowledgements : should be brief and specific. It should also include the sponsor or the funding agency of the project.
References : all publications cited in the text should be presented in the references. For text citations, use surname of the author(s) and the year of the publication. In case of more than two authors, surname of the first author followed by et al. and the year of the publication should be used. If two or more papers were published by the same author in one year, distinction of these should be made by adding a, b ... In the list, references should be arranged alphabetically without serial numbers with following pattern-
Papers in journals :
Dwivedi, A.C. 2013. Biodiversity and abundance of macro-invertebrates in the middle stretch of the Ganga river, India. J. Kalash Sci., 1(1): 95-98.
Dwivedi, A.C., N.P. Tewari & M. Mishra 2013. Biodiversity and abundance of macro-invertebrates in the middle stretch of the Ganga river, India. J. Kalash Sci., 1(1): 95-98.
Edited Book :
Dwivedi, A.C., N.P. Tewari & P. Mishra 2013. Biodiversity and abundance of macro-invertebrates in the middle stretch of the Ganga river, India In: Productivity of Water Edited by A.C. Dwivedi & M. Mishra, Kalash University Press, Allahabad, Pp. 65-74.
Book/Technical Reports/Bulletin/Thesis :
Dwivedi, A. C. & P. Mishra 2013. Biodiversity and abundance of macro-invertebrates in the middle stretch of the Ganga river, India. Kalash University Press, Allahabad, Pp. 1-40.
The author(s) should be member of the journal in the year of publication of his/her paper in the journal. The annual subscription fees for the journal are as given-
Individuals (Each Author) |
Rs. 300/- |
$ 80 (abroad) |
Organizations/Institutions/Libraries |
Rs. 3000/- |
$ 400 (abroad) |
Life Membership (Individual, 10 years) |
Rs. 20000/- |
$ 500 (abroad) |
Life Membership (Organizations/Institutions/Libraries, 10 years) |
Rs. 25000/- |
$ 5000 (abroad) |
Price (Single copy) Individual |
Rs. 300/- |
$ 100 (abroad) |
The author(s) will bear the printing charges (Per page Rs. 300/-). Ten free reprints are supplied with one/two journals. Payments are accepted either in cash or through Bank Draft in favor of Secretary, Kalash Research and Welfare Society payable at Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.