Dominance of exotic fishes in the River Ganga at Allahabad stretch
D. N. Jha, K.D. Joshi, M. A. Alam, S.C.S. Das and V. Kumar
Hits: 1026
Evaluation of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genotypes for yield and seed quality
Rajender and Prashant Kumar Rai
Hits: 893
Effect of Neem leaf (Azadirachta indica ) powder on growth performance of deep litter broilers
U. K Shukla, Rajendra Shingh and Shivakant Shukla
Hits: 879
Role of mulching and varietal influence on Brinjal (Solanum melongena) in alley cropping
Sameer Daniel, Puja Kishore and Animesh Kanawjia
Hits: 921
Studies on the performance of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genotype for seed yield
and quality parameters
Sita Ram and Prashant Kumar Rai
Hits: 825
An overview of organic farming for sustainable agriculture production
Rajvir Singh, S. B. Singh and A. C. Singh
Hits: 903
Assessment of seed quality in stored Rice (Oryza sativa L.) seed
Dwarika Prasad Tiwari, Prashant Kumar Rai, Arvind Kumar
Hits: 869
A study on Socio economic and communicational attributes of farmers with the level of
knowledge of gram production technology in relation to Jabalpur and Narsinghpur
districts of Madhya Pradesh
Rahul Mishra and Akhilesh Kulhade
Hits: 809
Analysis of water quality of holy places of four Asian countries: The importance of water
as nectar of life
Anees Fatma Rizvi and S. A. M. Meesum
Hits: 854
Plant based remediation of arsenic contaminated soil with special reference to sorghum- a
sustainable approach for cure
Shweta Pathak, Prasann Kumar, Pankaj Kumar Mishra and Mukul Kumar
Hits: 872
Population structure of Indian major carp species, Cirrhinus mrigala (Hamilton, 1822)
from the Ganga river, India
Amitabh Chandra Dwivedi and Priyanka Mayank
Hits: 857
A survey note on aquatic biodiversity in the lower stretch of the river Belan, India
Asheesh Shivam Mishra, Prabha Tripathi, Savita Patel, Raj Bahadur Singh, Anusuya Singh, Vishvanath
Pratap Singh
Hits: 882
Heavy metal contagion in seed: its delivery, distribution and uptake
Prasann Kumar and Shweta Pathak
Hits: 853
Heritability and genetic advances of different wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars
Monika Gupta
Hits: 873