Vomume 8 Number 2, (2020)

Stem and root wood anatomy of most significant species of Allamanda (Family-Apocynaceae): Allamanda cathartica
Shakti Nath Tripathi and Roma Jaiswal

Hits: 1064
A comparative study of chemical qualities of raw milk of cow and buffalo at different milking times
U.K. Shukla, Chetram and Kavita Shukla

Hits: 878
Studies on value added product of blended apple and pineapple cheese
Deepak Yadav, Saket Mishra and Amrish Kumar

Hits: 808
Food fortification for reducing micronutrient deficiencies
Pankaj Kumar Mishra, Prasann Kumar and Ajeet Kumar

Hits: 834
Water quality assessment of river Ganga at Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh
Anita Singh and Dharmendra Yadav

Hits: 873
Standardization of herbal Banana pseudostem juice
Anurag Raj, Saket Mishra and Ravi Kumar Singh

Hits: 754
Evaluation of termiticidal potential of plant extracts of Parthenium hysterophorus on termite, Odontotermes gurdaspurensis
Diksha Sharma, Rishikesh K. Tiwari and Ravi S. Pandey

Hits: 808
Studies on value addition of Guava cheese
Vivek Kumar Ojha, V. M. Prasad, Saket Mishra and Amrish Kumar

Hits: 755
Role of Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus, 1758) in composite fish culture of Gonda District, Uttar Pradesh: A Note
Sunil Kumar Upadhyay and J. Mishra

Hits: 800
Use of plant growth regulators on fruit crops in northern India - A -review
Sandeep Singh, Saket Mishra and Ashish Kumar Pal

Hits: 703
A study of bacterial qualities of raw milk of Buffalo and Goat
U.K. Shukla, Surynk Tamrkar and Shri Kant

Hits: 708
Standardization of a medicinal jam based on sapota (Manillkara achras Mill) fosberg fruits
B. Pavithra, Saket Mishra, Vijay Bahadur and Mithun Tarafdar

Hits: 772
Environmental derivers supports to distribution, composition and biology of Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus, 1758) in respect of time scale: A review
Neeti Mishra and Amitabh Chandra Dwivedi

Hits: 3334
Effect of different levels of Potassium metabisulphide (KMS) & Sodium benzoate on quality and shelf life of Phalsa juice
Dayanand Kumar and Samir Topno

Hits: 879
A study on home management of secondary school teachers in Prayagraj district
Ranjana Jaiswal and Seema Mallick

Hits: 1007
Bacterial qualities of raw milk of cow and goat: A comparative study
Ram Prakash Sharma, Vrishabh Gohatre and U. K. Shukla

Hits: 711