Volume - 2, Number - 2 (2014)

Impact assessment of massive anthropogenic activities during Maha-Kumbh, 2013 on biotic and abiotic parameters at Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh
S. C. S. Das, K. D. Joshi, A. Alam, D. N. Jha, K. Srivastava, V. Kumar and S. S. Misra

Hits: 985
Studies on different forms of Sulphur in soils of Faizabad district, Uttar Pradesh
Pragati Tripathi, S. K. Tripathi and S. N. Tripathi

Hits: 925
Studies on the screening of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) varieties/cultivars against root knot nematode (Meloidogyne incongnita, Kofoid and White)
R. K. Dwivedi, R. K. Pal, D. K. Singh, A. S. Srivastava and Akhilesh Tripathi

Hits: 926
Economic analysis of front line demonstrations of fish under composite fish culture system
Bipasha David

Hits: 949
Wonderful role of family Leguminosae (Fabaceae) in Tribal life of Chhattisgarh and West Bengal
Uma Sharma

Hits: 928
Potentiality to realize opportunity of the farmers to diversify their livelihood
Biswarup Saha, D. K. Pandey and Ram Bahal

Hits: 957
Production of bioethanol by batch fermentation of cereals waste
Subhash Kumar Mishra, Ravendra Kumar Vishwakarma, Pushpendra Singh, Lavkush Kumar Brahman and Ramesh Chandra

Hits: 956
Effect of inorganic fertilizer and manure on fish yield and economics under carp polyculture system
Bipasha David

Hits: 901
Impact of textile waste water on seed germination and growth development of Vicia faba L. at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Ajit Kumar Sharma, Nidhi Parashar (Sharma) and Ravi Sharma

Hits: 946
Estimation of genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance among Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genotypes
Aditya Veer, Prashant Kumar Rai and Arvind Kumar

Hits: 957
Study of salinity and water logging problem and enhancing productivity, submergence tolerance of rice crop through nutrient management in Allahabad district
Rajnish Chaturvedi

Hits: 898
Genetic variability and heritability of yield and yield related traits of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genotypes
Sushil Gautam, P. K. Rai and Arvind Kumar

Hits: 1166
Studies on infection and relative density of Argulus in Indian and exotic major carps from mixed fish culture ponds at Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh
Poonam Singh and Shakila Khan

Hits: 954
Residual effect of integrated nutrient management on yield and yield attributes and uptake of nutrients in wheat in rice-wheat sequence
Vijay Bahadur, H. C. Tripathi, M. R. Pandey and A. K. Sachan

Hits: 955
Studies on limnological parameters of a fish pond at Allahabad, U. P.
S. Pratap, K. D. Joshi, V. Kumar and R. K. Pathak

Hits: 1019
Effect of Neem seed aqueous extract on photosynthetic pigments of some N2-fixing Cyanobacteria
Prashant Pandey, A. K. Mishra and Yashveer Singh

Hits: 941